Founder, President (Certified Horticulturalist)

A love of beautiful gardens, a passion for client service, and a natural way with people: all three came together when Craig Hutchinson left university, started Lawrence Park Garden Care, and earned a certificate in horticulture.
Craig grew up in Lawrence Park and like many teenagers, spent his summers cutting grass for his neighbours and their friends. But unlike other teenagers, Craig took the work seriously and in his spare time, was devouring books on gardening and landscape design. “I was lucky to have an English mother who loved gardening and had tons of books.”
Over the years, Craig has surrounded himself with smart people with diverse backgrounds, diverse talents, diverse points of view and ideas—but they all share his passion for landscape design and the quest for new products and practices that are environmentally friendly. They also share his mission to give clients the gardens of their dreams while making the process enjoyable.
Today, Craig continues to oversee properties under his care, and is a familiar face in the community, donating his time and the company’s services to events like Arbor Day, park plantings and cleanups.