Landscape Service Representative, Certified Green Roof Installer (With Lawrence Park since 2005)

Nancy is a passionate gardener (and self-described flower child) with a long track record of creating unique gardens and for being at the leading edge of new concepts in landscaping.
She began as a country gardener on a tiny island off Vancouver Island, then converted to urban gardening when she moved to Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco. In Toronto, she studied graphic design before completing several courses in gardening and landscaping at Ryerson, the Royal Botanical Gardens, and Landscape Ontario.
At Lawrence Park, Nancy organizes annual plantings, does some design work and purchasing, and is still a country gardener at heart. She often delights clients and their children by planting small veggie gardens or planting a few containers with vegetables and herbs so they can watch their plants grow and then pick them at their freshest. She also works with Larissa to create stunning seasonal urn displays.
Increasingly, she’s involved in the latest horticultural and landscaping innovations. She’s a certified green roof installer and has created a spectacular mobile food wall (which she later adapted to include seasonal plants). “Green walls are living architecture and could have a huge impact on…our environment.” She also creates “living playgrounds.” “They integrate plants into children’s play areas…and research shows that they encourage more creative, cooperative play.”
“What I love about being in horticulture is that you’re an artist, but you get to work with living material…and get to contribute to the environment and to children’s lives. The possibilities are unbelievable and there’s always more to learn.“